Heavenly Father, We, members of the Watauga County Republican party, come to truly seek your wisdom and guidance. We do not do this in some perfunctory ritual as a way to start a meeting. We have many reasons for praying to you.
First, we are aware that when your people Israel acknowledged you and sought your guidance, you were able to prosper them and make them a great nation. We also know that when they turned away from you, their enemies overran them and destroyed them. Even nature turned against them with a vengeance.
Also, today is the anniversary of our amazing Constitution which has created the greatest nation in the history of the world.
We know that many of our founders sought your guidance throughout the process. We know that many knew they were receiving your divine guidance in fashioning documents far beyond human wisdom.
We know that afterwards when each congress met, they continued to thank you and to ask for your continued help–a tradition which comes down even today.
Father, many of us call ourselves conservatives and by that we mean that we are sworn to conserve the values of this great document You helped to produce.
Father, we know that founders like George Washington and John Adams came out of that convention realizing they had produced a document made for moral and religious people. They said it was wholly inadequate to the government of any other.
For all these reasons Father, we are bold to ask you to guide us. Help us to send to Washington, to Raleigh and to governments of our communities--people who will protect and defend that constitution.
And to you be the glory.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Prayer I Delivered at Opening of Fall Election Republican Headquarters
Posted by Blogger at 1:52 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Why We Pray at Public Meetings
Heavenly Father, We, members of the Watauga County Republican party, come to truly seek your wisdom and guidance. We do not do this in some perfunctory ritual as a way to start a meeting. We have many reasons for praying to
Posted by Blogger at 1:57 PM 0 comments
Labels: praying at meetings, Public prayer, Watauga County Republican Party, Why public prayer
Friday, July 2, 2010
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Monday, May 3, 2010
Christian Rapping by Tamara Lowe
Posted by Blogger at 3:07 PM 2 comments
Labels: Christian Rap, Tamara Lowe Rapping
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Man Praying In the Spirit Finds Missing Child
Charisma mag
I had this experience once with my daughter. She had just lost her job and called and said she was going away for a while. I was really frightened as I did not know how much the loss had affected her.
God showed me exactly what motel and what town she had gone to. There was no reason at all for me to think of that particular place.
The best part about it was that my daughter was not even surprised when her mother knocked on the motel door. She just said through the door, "I'm o.k. and I will be home soon. Love you."
Posted by Blogger at 6:52 PM 0 comments
Labels: Charisma Magazine, praying in tongues finds missing child
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Oak Initiative Calls For Prayer to Stop Bad Bill
We are asking all of our members to pray in earnest, and for those who feel called to fast to do this for the resolution of the crisis over the pending healthcare legislation. We believe the passage of this legislation will
Posted by Blogger at 7:44 PM 0 comments
Labels: Bad Healthcare bill, Oak Initiative, Praying for Country in Crisis, Rick Joyner
Friday, February 26, 2010
2012--End of the world?
The following link was put into a comment by one of our readers. I found it interesting. 2012 Does it all end?
Read More......Posted by Blogger at 10:51 AM 1 comments
Labels: End of the world in 2012
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Fallen Christian Leaders
The following is from a Special Bulletin written by Rick Joyner. To me it is very insightful.
"Look at the condition of the leadership in the church when the Lord went to the cross and basically left everything in their hands. They were fighting over who was the greatest on the very night He was crucified. They could
Posted by Blogger at 1:33 PM 1 comments
Labels: Fallen Christian Leaders, Morning Star Ministries, Rick Joyner, Todd Bentley
Sunday, January 3, 2010
When I returned to the storefront church the next week after my initiation into speaking in tongues, there was a young man with a guitar strung over his shoulder. While he talked, I was preoccupied with an inner conversation with God. Suddenly the man stopped, pointed at me and began to reveal the exact dialogue I was having between myself and God. Then he gave me God’s response to the question I had been asking.
My mind began spinning. How did he read my mind?
Then, inviting me to come to him, he lightly touched my forehead.
And that is when this psychologist discovered himself on the floor.
I had no idea how I got there. I could hear myself calling out: “I love you Jesus!” Then I laughed uproariously because I also had this thought of some colleague walking by and looking through that storefront window. It did not happen; yet what a hoot!
But that was just the beginning. The leader said, “Get him off the floor and bring him up here. Brother the power of God is all over you. Lay your hands on these people!” At that moment an energy poured through me. I felt like what Popeye demonstrated when he downed his can of spinach and his fists turned into power drivers.
Barely touching people, sometimes just pointing at them, I watched them go down like bowling balls. My knees began to buckle from the surges, and then I felt my wonderful wife, arms wrapped around me, holding me up. Finally, overcome from all the excitement, I had to sit down.
At that point, my rational mind kicked back in. “What is this? Suggestion? Maybe, hyperventilation?” As a psychologist, I had studied and practiced hypnosis. “Is this all this is?”
As I sat there, I looked down beside my chair at a young man who had crashed face down on the floor. The scientist came out in me. The man started to get up, at first on all fours. Making sure he could not see what I was doing, I sneakily put my hand about a foot above his back. If he could not see what I was doing, then it wasn’t hypnosis.
Ka Bam! He slammed to the floor as power shot through me again. He tried to rise and I sneaked my hand above him again. He was pinned to the floor as if an elephant had his foot on him.
This was not hypnosis!
Posted by Blogger at 8:40 PM 0 comments
Labels: Baptism in the Holy Spirit, Falling Under the Power, Praying in the Spirit, Praying in tongues, Psychology of Speaking in Tongues, Speaking in Tongues
Friday, January 1, 2010
Generally when we psychologists want to explain behavior, we fall back on our understanding of simple things like animals. It has long been noted for example, that an animal’s behavior can be accounted for by observing its response to the consequences of its behavior. Animals repeat a behavior which is followed by a positive consequence and cease behavior which is followed by a negative consequence, or by no consequence at all. We believe the same can be said for humans. Thus, when we see someone do something, we examine the consequences resulting from his or her behavior in order to understand why the person repeats that behavior.
This principle of positive and negative consequences to behavior can be applied to many things, including how and why we learn to speak a language, any language. For example, my mother recorded in her diary what occurred when as a baby. I made my first meaningless (to me) sounds: “ma ma” and “da da.” The whole world exploded in positive consequences.
“He said mama!” “No, he said daddy,” my parents exclaimed. Naturally, like babies all over the world, I kept making these sounds, and like fathers and mothers everywhere, my parents provided me with interesting and stimulating consequences. So I learned my native tongue by mouthing meaningless sounds coming up out of me which were followed by positive results.
Now, as an adult, when I made meaningless sounds arising from the region of my heart, God, suddenly and completely unexpectedly, showered positive consequences upon me. So, I learned my new tongue the same way I learned my native tongue, watching God reward my sounds.
Posted by Blogger at 8:12 PM 0 comments
Labels: Praying in tongues, Psychology of Speaking in Tongues, Speaking in Tongues